Saturday, September 28, 2013

I want to be a dinosaur

I love my job. Don't get me wrong, there are days when I question what I'm doing or why I chose to work in education. But, that all quickly fades away on days I work with my cute little preschoolers who say the most random and hilarious things! One day last week I had the pleasure of working with 3 little tater tots at the end of my day. Usually by this time of the day I'm digging deep to find enough energy and patience for these 3 and 4 year-olds. We were sitting at the group table deciding between which activity to do when 'M' spots the memory game box with a picture of a dinosaur on it. "I want the dinosaur game," and all three little voices squeal "YEAH!!!" So I oblige and we open the box to begin. Then, as proud as can be, 'M' says, "I love dinosaurs." "Oh, yeah? You do? Why is that?" I asked. "I want to be a dinosaur. They EAT people!" You know, I think he's got a point! Ha!